2010-2011 Wrestling Schedule

Merry Christmas!

Posted: Sunday, December 21, 2008 by Geophreigh in

Hello wrestlers and parents! During this upcoming week we will not be holding practices, but I encourage all of you to make sure your boys get plenty of exercise over the Christmas break so they can stay in shape. Whether it's shoveling snow or making them take a lap, please help them to stay active over the break so they don't die once we resume practices. We will start practices again on Monday the 29th of December and for that week (12/29-1/2) will be holding morning practices. For right now I have them penciled in for 8-9am, but that could change depending on when the high school plans to hold theirs. Check back for updates. I will also send an email out to remind you. Other than that, I hope the boys will at the very least review all the moves in their minds over the break to keep them fresh.

Also, I am wanting to get all the boys clothing ordered before Christmas so that we can hopefully have it by the time we get back. There are still some of the boys that either have not paid their registration fee or have not told me their sizes yet. Since I am trying to stretch the participation fees a lot farther than I originally thought by ordering not only a t-shirt, but also shorts and a hoodie, I really need to get all the participation fees before ordering. Also, I am not planning on ordering extras, so if you would like to get some for yourself or other family members, please let me know asap and I will let you know how much it will cost.

Thanks so much for supporting your boys in this tough sport. I appreciate not only their efforts in practice and out on the mat, but yours to encourage them as well. Together we can help these boys become men. (I'm sure you parents are doing a lot more than I am... :) )

Merry Christmas!

-Coach Maughan