2010-2011 Wrestling Schedule

Practice cancelled...

Posted: Sunday, January 18, 2009 by Geophreigh in

Hi everybody! Just wanted to let you know that we will not be having practice on Monday the 19th of January due to the holiday. Have fun with your families...

I also wanted to give some updates as to what the schedule will be like for the last two weeks of the season. (Yes, it is already coming to an end... crazy isn't it?) This week we will have practice Tuesday through Friday from 4:30 to 6 pm, and there will be a dual tournament that we are going to participate in at Mountain View on Saturday the 24th from 7:30 am to 2 pm. This tournament is going to be different from anything your boys have participated in thus far in their wrestling careers, and more like a varsity dual meet/dual tournament.

There will be one wrestler allowed at each weight and the matches will be wrestled in order of weights, meaning you will know exactly when your boy should be wrestling... (one plus to this kind of tournament. :) ) We will dual 4-5 other teams throughout the day. Provo will be joining us to form a complete team, since we both have smaller programs. Unfortunately, our team is not big enough to fill all the weights on our own and there are multiple wrestlers at the same weights, meaning some of the boys will not be able to wrestle on the same "team". This is one of the cons of a tournament of this type at this level. But if your boy is not on the list below and would like to try and get on to another team so he can have some mat time in preparation for state, please let me know asap and I will try and find him a spot. Here are the weights that we have outlined thus far:

70--Porter Willis(Orem)
76--Andrew Giles(Provo)
82--Braden Griffin(Provo)
88--Nathan Allen(Provo)
94--Jovany Tolayo(Orem)
100--Cameron Robins(Orem)
106--Rhett Cook(Provo)
112--Josh Evans(P) or Nate Killpack(Orem)
119--JJ Evans(Provo)
126--Mason Bailey(Provo)
134--William Wright(Orem)
145--Josh Killpack(Orem)
180--Austin Snow(Orem)

The state tournament will be the following Friday and Saturday (the 30th and 31st) at Roy High School. I will provide more detailed information at a later date. You will be required to pre-register online at the following link, but it has not been opened up yet for registration. If your boy still has come credits for the fundraiser that the boys did this year, please let me know and I would be happy to pay for/reimburse the Mountain View or State Tournaments.

Let's keep working hard and finish strong!

State Tournament Link: http://www.twnode4.com/opentournaments/MainFrame.jsp?sport=wrestling&TIM=1232308930986&pageName=&ie=false&frameSize=762