2010-2011 Wrestling Schedule

Junior High Tournament

Posted: Wednesday, December 9, 2009 by Geophreigh in

Here is the information for the wrestling tournament this weekend (Junior High tournament).

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sponsored by Spanish Fork Recreational Department
Spanish Fork High School Gym (99 North 300 West, Spanish Fork, UT 84660)

ONLINE REGISTRATION ONLY!!! USA Wrestling Card recommended, but not required.
Direct Link: http://www.trackwrestling.com/opentournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=1506009
OR – Go to Pre-Registration @ www.trackwrestling.com - $10 entrance fee.

Registration closes Friday, December 11th at 1:00 PM.
NO SATURDAY Weigh-in or Registration.
Each age group will have a true beginner division (2 months or less experience).
If a registered wrestler cannot participate, email bxb4barron@gmail.com prior to Saturday.
8:00 AM: AGES 5 – 9, GR. K – 4: weight classes divided by current age (5-6, 7-8, 9). Weights divide every 5 pounds. Round-robin format in groups of 3-4. All get awards. Everyone will get a minimum of 2 matches.
10:00 AM: AGES 10 – 11, GRADES 5 – 6: Brackets for weight groups of 5-8 competitors. Round robin competition for weights with 4 or less entrants. Weights: 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 106, 112, 120, 130, 144, 145–190 Heavyweight.
11:00 AM: AGES 12 – 15, GRADES 7th, 8th, First-Year 9th: 8-person brackets. 9th graders ONLY eligible if in first year of wrestling and NO high school wrestling experience. Weights: 70, 75, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 125, 130, 138, 145, 155, 170, 190, 210, 240, 241-300 Heavyweight.
WEIGH-INS: Weight class will be registered online. Honor basis. 0.1-0.4 lb. round down, 0.5-0.9 lb. round up. Weigh wrestler in wearing singlet. We will have a “check” scale at the door; wrestlers will have a +3 lb. allowance. If a wrestler does not make the check weight, we will try to accommodate him in another weight division if there is room (but cannot guarantee placement). NO refunds on registration.
TIME: AGES 5 – 9 > 1-minute periods (3-second pin); GR. 5 – 6 > 1:15 periods (2-second pin); GR. 7 – 9 > 1:30 periods. Blood and injury time will be as needed, unless there is an injury or bleeding necessitating termination of the match. Wrestlers will get at least 20 minutes between matches.
PENALTIES: AGES 5-9 will be warned, then penalized one point for each infraction (not cumulative). AGES 10 – 15 / 5th – 9th graders will be penalized according to the rule book: one point for 1st infraction, one point for 2nd time, two points for 3rd time, and disqualification for 4th penalty.
OVERTIME: We will use the high school format: 1-minute sudden death (first points win); if still tied, two 30-second periods on the mat (most points at end of both periods wins); if still tied, followed by a 30-second tie-breaker (bottom man must score or top man wins).
COACHES: Only two designated coaches will be allowed in the corner of the mat. Spectators and family members are respectfully requested to keep their distance so the wrestlers will be safe and be able to hear the referees and coaches.
AWARDS: All age 5-9 participants will receive a place award. 5th – 9th graders will receive 1st – 4th place awards.
QUESTIONS: Contact Bill X. Barron, Tournament Director, at bxb4barron@gmail.com [preferred] or (801) 754 – 9865. Day of tournament only: Cell (207) 837 – 3223, or Corey Meredith: Cell (801) 921 – 2176.