2010-2011 Wrestling Schedule

CORRECTION! - Fundraising Miscommunication!

Posted: Friday, November 6, 2009 by Geophreigh in

Hello everybody!

I just wanted to clarify something that I said in the parents meeting this Tuesday evening.  There was some miscommunication between the Orem High Administration and myself about whether funds raised could be specified to go towards the individuals that did the actual fund raising, or just go to the team in general.  I erroneously understood that all funds raised were to go to the team to decrease the cost to each and every individual, and not just specific ones.

What the administration was trying to get across to me was that any funds raised were to stay in the wrestling program, meaning that refunds could not be issued to those individuals who raised more money than they needed to cover their costs.

So the good news is that if you or your boys participated in the fundraisers we have done thus far, I will be going back and figuring out how much they have already earned and it will go towards their tournament fees, etc.  Let me know if you have any questions about that...

Thanks, and once again, sorry for the confusion!